Aina välillä iskee hirveä halu tehdä nettitestejä. Ei niitä "Mikä eläin olet" tai "Millä vuosisadalla sinun olisi pitänyt syntyä" testejä, vaan näitä ihania 'selvitä itse nettitestin avulla, kuinka sekaisin todella olet'-testejä. Nyt päädyin kahdelle eri englanninkieliselle sivustolle, ja Pääosin taisi testailut osua taas syömishäiriön ja masennuksen testeihin. Mutta yksi huumori-testikin tuli tehtyä, jonka tuloksia en jaksanut laittaa esille...
Nämä tulokset netdoctorista, kun psychcentralista en jaksanut fiksailla, että tulokset saisi selkeästi esille.
Goldberg's depression test
You have reached level 55 on the Goldberg scale.
0 - 9 Depression unlikely 21 - 35 Minor to moderate depression
10 - 17 Possibly minor depression 36 - 53 Moderate to severe depression
18 - 21 On the verge of depression 54+ Severe depression
How good is your body image?
You have scored 80 points.
You are suffering from a condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) which is translated as body hatred. This is not a reflection of how you actually look or how other people see you, because there are very many people who have physical handicap, or, who look different from the norm. But they do not feel this badly about themselves. Similarly there are people who look very normal in reality but they experience this sense of deep hostility toward the way they look. BDD and a damaged sense of self-esteem go hand in hand.
Do I have an eating disorder?
You have scored 58.
Scores at this level indicate that you have an eating disorder - either anorexia nervosa, bulimia or compulsive eating (otherwise known as Binge Eating Disorder). To learn more about these categories, please click on the links below. It would seem that your life, your emotions and your feelings of self-worth are dominated by your relationship with food and with your anxieties about your body size and shape.